Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome New Title

Kemaren bertepatan dengan ulang bulan Asha yang ke 6, saya submit surat pengunduran diri ke big bos. Fyuhh.. Tanpa proses panjang dan tanpa interogasi, surat pun sukses ditandatangani. So i'll be officialy jobless on August 10th. Welcome new title! I'll be no longer a working mom. I'm going to be a stay at home mom whose fully spending my time with Asha. Yeaayy..finaly :D

It's not that easy for me to make such decision. Di mata sebagian orang mungkin berpikir bahwa menjadi ibu rumah tangga kalah gengsi dibandingkan ibu yang bekerja. Tapi bukan berarti menjadi ibu rumah tangga lantas harkat derajat saya jadi turun dibandingkan saat saya masih bekerja. Well, i'm proud to say it loud that i'm a happy stay at home mom.

No matter i'm a working mom, stay at home mom, or working at home mom, i'll always be a mom for Asha. It's a matter of choice. And for now i choose to be a stay at home mom. Whatever my choice is, being a working mom, stay at home mom, working at home mom, or whatever mom, i wanna do it happily. And i'm happy with the decision i made :D

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Welcome New Title

Kemaren bertepatan dengan ulang bulan Asha yang ke 6, saya submit surat pengunduran diri ke big bos. Fyuhh.. Tanpa proses panjang dan tanpa interogasi, surat pun sukses ditandatangani. So i'll be officialy jobless on August 10th. Welcome new title! I'll be no longer a working mom. I'm going to be a stay at home mom whose fully spending my time with Asha. Yeaayy..finaly :D

It's not that easy for me to make such decision. Di mata sebagian orang mungkin berpikir bahwa menjadi ibu rumah tangga kalah gengsi dibandingkan ibu yang bekerja. Tapi bukan berarti menjadi ibu rumah tangga lantas harkat derajat saya jadi turun dibandingkan saat saya masih bekerja. Well, i'm proud to say it loud that i'm a happy stay at home mom.

No matter i'm a working mom, stay at home mom, or working at home mom, i'll always be a mom for Asha. It's a matter of choice. And for now i choose to be a stay at home mom. Whatever my choice is, being a working mom, stay at home mom, working at home mom, or whatever mom, i wanna do it happily. And i'm happy with the decision i made :D


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